How SEO Services In Atlanta Can Protect Your Website From Negative SEO Attack?

SEO services in Atlanta

SEO is a vast and technical term, and it’s not something everyone can master. People hire SEO services in Atlanta when it comes to devising effective strategies to boost their business online. 

You will probably read various articles on how important keyword research is and how important it is to have a responsive website. But, you won’t find much information about the warning signs of negative SEO, which is a legit dangerous thing for your website.  

Negative SEO is the use of black hat SEO techniques that are used to bring down and sabotage the rankings of other websites on Google’s search engine. Such attacks are expected when your site’s ranking is high, and it is doing good. So, you better be aware of them. 

  1. Link Auditing Regularly

If you want to spot any suspicious activity, the best thing for it is to perform a regular audit of your links. Not just for protection, but it’s generally a perfect technique mostly recommended by SEO services in Atlanta if you want your business to work fine. 

When you monitor the growth of your links, that’s where you can quickly tell if someone’s trying to sabotage all of the work you’ve done. Just be careful about the signs. For example, if you see this sudden spike or fall in your graph when you monitor the growth of your link, consider it a red flag if you haven’t been working on link growth for a while now. 

  • Your Site’s Speed Says A Lot: 

Without any doubt, the speed of your website is one major ranking factor, and if there’s something suspicious about it or your website is acting sluggish, you need to use web-crawling software here. 

Such software can quickly identify the problem for you, and if it’s negative SEO or someone’s trying to attack you, you can then take measures to protect yourself. SEO services in Atlanta can refer you to the best tools to optimize your site’s speed. 

  1. Search For The Content That’s Scraped: 

Content is the king when it comes to the digital world. Especially if you are running a website, this is the most crucial thing that makes or breaks your site’s success. On the other hand, content marketing is a legit important ranking factor. But then, some people can use your site content and claim it as their own. 

This is what scraped content is, and it’s one of the most common negative SEO attacks. If the content that’s copied, gets indexed, it can give a big blow to your website, and your pages might get devalued right away.

Consequently, your site’s ranking will fall, and there won’t be anything to do about it, as it will be too late by then. You can use Copyscape to check if someone has copied your content. It’s so far the best and the most recommended tool of several SEO services in Atlanta to help you identify plagiarized content. 

  • Consider Your Keyword’s CTR: 

There was this time once when someone’s website was getting thousands and thousands of clicks that landed on the page, but then they all bounced back. In the beginning, it seemed like there was some issue with the UX of the website or that it was too poor, but what was happening was that someone was targeting specific keywords using a bot. 

The bots landed on other website’s pages and then bounced back because that’s how it was programmed. This is the reason why you should always pay attention to the CTR of your keywords, or else it will be difficult for you to spot such an attack. 

Summing Up! 

Now that you know how to protect yourself from negative SEO, it’s time that you hire SEO services in Atlanta to take care of such things, as they can all be quite stressful. With expert help, you will not face issues, and things will get sorted out easily. 

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